Basic CSS Tutorial

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Property List
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background to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several background-properties in one declaration.
Possible Values: -background-color- | -background-image- | -background-repeat- |
-background-attachment- | -background-position-
Example: body { background: #ff0000 }
body { background: #00FF00 url(stars.gif) no-repeat fixed top }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
background-attachment to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to have the image to scroll with the content or to have the image stay at the same place.
Possible Values: scroll | fixed
Example: body { background-attachment: fixed }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
background-color to property list
Description: Defines the color of the background.
Possible Values: -color- | transparent
Example: body { background-color: red }
body { background-color: #ff0000 }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
background-image to property list
Description: Defines the image of the background.
Possible Values: -url- | none
Example: body { background-image: url(/images/backg.gif) }
body { background-image: url( }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
background-position to property list
Description: Defines the starting position of the image.
Possible Values: top left | top center | top right | center left | center center | center right | bottom left | bottom center | bottom right | x-% y-% | x-pos y-pos
Example: body { background-position: top left) }
body { background-position: 0% 0%) }
body { background-position: 10px 10px) }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
background-repeat to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to repeat an image or don't repeat it.
Possible Values: repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat
Example: body { background-repeat: repeat-x }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
border to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several border-properties in one declaration.
Possible Values: -border-width- | -border-style- | -border-color-
Example: img { border: thin solid #00FF00 }
div { border: dotted #FF0000 }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
border-bottom to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several border-bottom-properties in one declaration.
Possible Values: -border-bottom-width- | -border-style- | -border-color-
Example: table { border-bottom: thin solid #00FF00 }
span { border-bottom: dotted #FF0000 }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-bottom-color to property list
Description: Defines the color of the bottom border.
Possible Values: -color- | transparent
Example: table { border-bottom-color: #ff0000 }
table { border-bottom-color: red }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-bottom-style to property list
Description: Defines the style of the bottom border.
Possible Values: none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
Example: table { border-bottom-style: dashed }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-bottom-width to property list
Description: Defines the thickness of the bottom border.
Possible Values: thin | medium | thick | -thickness-
Example: table { border-bottom-width: thin }
table { border-bottom-width: 0.5px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
border-collapse to property list
Description: Defines the border pattern of a table.
Possible Values: separate (white space between cells) | collapse (no white space)
Example: table { border-collapse: separate }
Support: IE 5.0
border-color to property list
Description: Defines the color of the borders.
Possible Values: -color- | transparent
Example: table { border-color: #ff0000 }
table { border-color: #ff0000 #ffff00 #ff00ff #0000ff}
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-left to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several border-left-properties in one declaration.
Possible Values: -border-left-width- | -border-style- | -border-color-
Example: table { border-left: thin solid #00FF00 }
span { border-left: dotted #FF0000 }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-left-color to property list
Description: Defines the color of the left border.
Possible Values: -color- | transparent
Example: table { border-left-color: #ff0000 }
table { border-left-color: red }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-left-style to property list
Description: Defines the style of the left border.
Possible Values: none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
Example: table { border-left-style: dashed }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-left-width to property list
Description: Defines the thickness of the left border.
Possible Values: thin | medium | thick | -thickness-
Example: table { border-left-width: thin }
table { border-left-width: 0.5px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
border-right to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several border-right-properties in one declaration.
Possible Values: -border-right-width- | -border-style- | -border-color-
Example: table { border-right: thin solid #00FF00 }
span { border-right: dotted #FF0000 }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-right-color to property list
Description: Defines the color of the right border.
Possible Values: -color- | transparent
Example: table { border-right-color: #ff0000 }
table { border-right-color: red }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-right-style to property list
Description: Defines the style of the right border.
Possible Values: none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
Example: table { border-right-style: dashed }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-right-width to property list
Description: Defines the thickness of the right border.
Possible Values: thin | medium | thick | -thickness-
Example: table { border-right-width: thin }
table { border-right-width: 0.5px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
border-spacing to property list
Description: Defines the distance between the cells (by separate table-model).
Possible Values: -length-
Example: table { border-spacing: 15px }
border-style to property list
Description: Defines the style of the borders.
Possible Values: none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
Example: table { border-style: dotted }
table { border-style: dotted dashed }
table { border-style: dotted dashed solid }
table { border-style: dotted dashed solid groove }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-top to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several border-top-properties in one declaration.
Possible Values: -border-top-width- | -border-style- | -border-color-
Example: table { border-top: thin solid #00FF00 }
span { border-top: dotted #FF0000 }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-top-color to property list
Description: Defines the color of the top border.
Possible Values: -color- | transparent
Example: table { border-top-color: #ff0000 }
table { border-top-color: red }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-top-style to property list
Description: Defines the style of the top border.
Possible Values: none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
Example: table { border-top-style: dashed }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-top-width to property list
Description: Defines the thickness of the top border.
Possible Values: thin | medium | thick | -thickness-
Example: table { border-top-width: thin }
table { border-top-width: 0.5px }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
border-width to property list
Description: Defines the thickness of the borders.
Possible Values: thin | medium | thick | -thickness-
Example: table { border-width: thin }
table { border-width: thin medium }
table { border-width: thin medium thick }
table { border-width: thin medium thick none }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
bottom to property list
Description: Defines the distance at the bottom between an element and the element from which it inherits (works only with 'position: absolute').
Possible Values: auto | -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { position: absolute; bottom: 10px }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 5.0
caption-side to property list
Description: Defines the position of the HTML caption-element.
Possible Values: top | bottom | left | right
Example: caption { caption-side: right }
Support: NS 6.0
clear to property list
Description: Images and others are called floating elements. The clear property defines if it's allowed to have floating elements on the side. So clear:left makes sure that an element is set to the bottom if there is on the left a floating element.
Possible Values: left | right | both | none
Example: div { clear:left }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
clip to property list
Description: Defines the shape and size when an image is larger then the element where it's going to be put.
Possible Values: auto | -shape-
Example: img { clip: rect( 5px, 20px, 10px, 5px) }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
cursor to property list
Description: Defines the type of cursor that needs to be shown.
Possible Values: auto | -url- | default | crosshair | help | pointer | move | text | e-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize | n-resize | se-resize | sw-resize | s-resize | w-resize
Example: div{ cursor: help }
div{ cursor: url("cross.cur"), crosshair }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
color to property list
Description: Defines the color of the foreground (text color, etc.).
Possible Values: -name- | -#rgb- | -#rrggbb- | -rgb(nr, nr, nr)- | -rgb(x%, x%, x%)-
Example: h1 { color: red }
h2 { color: #f00 }
h3 { color: #ff0000 }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 3.0
direction to property list
Description: Defines the direction of the text.
Possible Values: ltr | rtl
Example: div { direction: rtl }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 5.0
display to property list
Description: Defines how an image need to be showed.
Possible Values: block | inline | list-item | none
Example: p { display: block }
li { display: list-item }
image { display: none }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
empty-cells to property list
Description: Defines if empty cells in a table needs to get borders (only by separated borders model).
Possible Values: show | hide
Example: table { empty-cells: hide }
Support: NS 6.2
float to property list
Description: Defines where an element is put.
Possible Values: left | right | none
Example: img { float: left }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
font to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several font-properties in one declaration.
Possible Values: -font-style- | -font-variant- | -font-weight- | -font-size- | -line-height- | -font-family-
Example: p { font: italic bold }
p { font: italic normal bold 12px/14px verdana }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
font-family to property list
Description: Defines the font type of the text.
Possible Values: -family-name- (Example: Verdana) | -generic-family- (Example: serif)
Example: body { font-family: Verdana }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 3.0
font-size to property list
Description: Defines the size of the font type.
Possible Values: xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large |x-large | xx-large | smaller | larger | -size- | -percentage-
Example: p { font-size: x-small }
p { font-size: 10px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 3.0
font-size-adjust to property list
Description: The ratio between the size of a font type (font-size) and the x-size. The ratio is a number. This number shall we define via the font-size-adjust property. The higher this number by small font types is, the better readable they become.
Possible Values: none | -number-
Example: p { font-size-adjust: 0.58 }
font-stretch to property list
Description: Defines the condensation or expansion of the font type.
Possible Values: normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded
Example: h3 { font-stretch: ultra-expanded }
font-style to property list
Description: Defines the style of the font type.
Possible Values: normal | italic | oblique
Example: p { font-style: italic }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
font-variant to property list
Description: Shows the font type in small capitals or normal.
Possible Values: normal | small-caps
Example: p { font-variant: small-caps }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
font-weight to property list
Description: Defines the weight of the font type.
Possible Values: normal | bold | bolder | lighter |
100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
Example: p { font-weight: bold }
p { font-weight: 400 }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
height to property list
Description: Defines the height of an element (text, image, etc.).
Possible Values: auto | -height- | -percentage-
Example: img { height: 250px }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
left to property list
Description: Defines the left distance between an element and the element from which it inherits (works only with 'position: absolute').
Possible Values: auto | -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { position: absolute; left: 10px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
letter-spacing to property list
Description: Increases or decreases the space between the letters.
Possible Values: normal | -length-
Example: p { letter-spacing: 10px }
p { letter-spacing: -1px }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
line-height to property list
Description: Defines the distance between two lines of text.
Possible Values: normal | -number- | -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { line-height: 1.4 }
div { line-height: 16pt }
div { line-height: 120% }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
list-style to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several list-style-properties in one declaration.
Possible Values: -list-style-type- | -list-style-position- | -list-style-image-
Example: ul { list-style: disc outside }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
list-style-image to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to use an image as list style.
Possible Values: -url- | none
Example: ol { list-style-image: url(enumeration.gif); list-style-type: circle }
(list-style-type is mentioned just in case for when the image isn't loaded)
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
list-style-position to property list
Description: Possibility of leap in by a list.
Possible Values: inside | outside
Example: ol { list-style-position: inside}
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
list-style-type to property list
Description: Defines the type of list style.
Possible Values: disc | circle | square | decimal | lower-roman | upper-roman | lower-alpha | upper-alpha | none
Example: ol { list-style-type: decimal } (1, 2, 3, 4, …)
ol { list-style-type: upper-alpha } (A, B, C, D, …)
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
margin to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several margin-properties in one declaration.
Possible Values: -margin-top- | -margin-right- | -margin-bottom- | -margin-left-
Example: div { margin: 15px }
div { margin: 15px 20px 10 px auto}
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
margin-bottom to property list
Description: Defines the bottom margin of an element.
Possible Values: auto | -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { margin-bottom: 15px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
margin-left to property list
Description: Defines the left margin of an element.
Possible Values: auto | -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { margin-left: 15px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 3.0
margin-right to property list
Description: Defines the right margin of an element.
Possible Values: auto | -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { margin-right: 15px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 3.0
margin-top to property list
Description: Defines the top margin of an element.
Possible Values: auto | -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { margin-top: 15px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 3.0
max-height to property list
Description: Defines the maximum height of an element.
Possible Values: none | -height- | -percentage-
Example: div { max-height: 150px }
max-width to property list
Description: Defines the maximum width of an element.
Possible Values: none | -width- | -percentage-
Example: div { max-width: 200px }
min-height to property list
Description: Defines the minimum height of an element.
Possible Values: -height- | -percentage-
Example: div { min-height: 150px }
min-width to property list
Description: Defines the minimum width of an element.
Possible Values: -width- | -percentage-
Example: div { min-width: 200px }
outline to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several outline-properties in one declaration (the outline is situated outside the border margin).
Possible Values: -outline-color- | -outline-style- | -outline-width-
Example: button { outline: red dashed thick }
outline-color to property list
Description: Defines the color of the outline.
Possible Values: -color- | invert
Example: border { outline-color: #ff0000 }
outline-style to property list
Description: Defines the style of the outline.
Possible Values: none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
Example: button { outline-style: dotted }
outline-width to property list
Description: Defines the width of the outline.
Possible Values: thin | medium | thick | none | -thickness-
Example: button { outline-width: thin }
overflow to property list
Description: Defines what happens when the content of an element exceeds his surroundings.
Possible Values: auto | visible | hidden | scroll
Example: p { overflow: scroll }
padding to property list
Description: Gives you the possibility to place several padding-properties in one declaration.
Possible Values: -padding-top- | -padding-right- | -padding-bottom- | -padding-left-
Example: div { padding: 15px }
div { padding: 15px 20px 10px auto}
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
padding-bottom to property list
Description: Defines the bottom padding.
Possible Values: -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { padding-bottom: 15px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
padding-left to property list
Description: Defines the left padding.
Possible Values: -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { padding-left: 15px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
padding-right to property list
Description: Defines the right padding.
Possible Values: -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { padding-right: 15px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
padding-top to property list
Description: Defines the top padding.
Possible Values: -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { padding-top: 15px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
position to property list
Description: Defines the way an element is placed.
Possible Values: static | relative | absolute | fixed
Example: div { position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 20px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
right to property list
Description: Defines the distance on the right between an element and the element from which it inherits (works only with 'position: absolute').
Possible Values: auto | -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { position: absolute; right: 100px }
Support: IE 5.0
table-layout to property list
Description: Defines the way on which a table is generated.
Possible Values: auto | fixed
Example: table { table-layout: fixed }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 5.0
text-align to property list
Description: Defines the aligning of a text in an element.
Possible Values: left | right | center | justify
Example: p { text-align: justify }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
text-decoration to property list
Description: Adds decoration to the text.
Possible Values: none | underline | overline | line-trough | blink
Example: div { text-decoration: underline }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
text-indent to property list
Description: Defines the indention of the first line of text.
Possible Values: -length- | -percentage-
Example: p { text-indent: 20px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
text-shadow to property list
Description: Defines the shadow of the text.
Possible Values: none | -color- | -length-
Example: span { text-shadow: black 0px 0px 5px } (color, x-offset, y-offset, blur)
span { text-shadow: red -10px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
text-transform to property list
Description: Defines the transformation of the letters in an element (Example: from capitols, to lowercase).
Possible Values: capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none
Example: p { text-transform: capitalize } (first letter a capitol)
p { text-transform: uppercase } (everything in capitols)
p { text-transform: lowercase } (everything in lowercase)
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
top to property list
Description: Defines the top distance between an element and the element from which it inherits (works only with 'position: absolute').
Possible Values: auto | -length- | -percentage-
Example: div { position: absolute; top: -10px }
div { position: absolute; top: 10px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
vertical-align to property list
Description: Defines the vertical alignment of an element.
Possible Values: baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | middle | bottom | text-bottom | -length- | -percentage-
Example: img { vertical-align: top }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
visibility to property list
Description: Defines if an element must be visible or hidden.
Possible Values: visible | hidden | collapse (makes a column or row invisible in a table)
Example: p { visibility: hidden }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0
white-space to property list
Description: Defines how the white space in an element must be treated.
Possible Values: normal | pre | nowrap
Example: p { white-space: normal }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 5.5
width to property list
Description: Defines the width of an element.
Possible Values: auto | -width- | -percentage-
Example: div { width: 400px }
Support: NS 4.0, IE 4.0
word-spacing to property list
Description: Increases or decreases the space between words.
Possible Values: normal | -length-
Example: p { word-spacing: 10px }
p { word-spacing: -1px }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 6.0
z-index to property list
Description: Defines the arrangement by the pile up of elements. The higher the number, the higher situated.
Possible Values: auto | -number-
Example: img { z-index: 2 }
Support: NS 6.0, IE 4.0

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This page is updated till Monday 24 May 2004